Shannon Peel
Creative Entrepreneurial Owner at MarketAPeel
Vancouver, Canada

Shannon Peel Publications

Real Stories for Work & Life (APeeling)

01 May 2021
Created, designed, wrote, and published APEELING (periodical) May's issue articles written by Shannon Peel: 5 Things You need to Heal Death by BS (ghostwritten) Meet the Realtor: Susanita De Diego Family Dinner (excerpt of Thats Life Novel)

Non Fiction Book (Death by BS)

01 March 2021
Death by BS is the story of a man discovering the behaviours that kept him from achieving the success he was seeking and relationships with others. Shannon Peel did the following: Ghostwrote parts Book layout Publishing Marketing

Non Fiction Book (Pushers of the Possible)

01 September 2019
Pushers of the Possible is a book about servant leaders and one man's story from construction worker to International CEO in the Insurance Industry. Shannon Peel: Developed the concept and story Ghostwriting Interviewing Book layout Publishing