Contact Information

1910 Yonge Street Axmith McIntyre Wicht Ltd.
Toronto Ontario M4S 1Z5
Telefono: 416 899-5874

Brendan Watson

Telefono: 416 803-6041

Basic Info - Canada's Advertising Intellectual Archive

1910 Yonge Street Axmith McIntyre Wicht Ltd.
Toronto Ontario M4S 1Z5
Telefono: 416 899-5874

Brendan Watson

Telefono: 416 803-6041

About - Canada's Advertising Intellectual Archive

This competition puts you in a real job, to make a real ad, to be pitched for real, to a real company, for a real product, to be produced for real, and the prize? An internship. Yeah, that's real too.

You will work on the Labatt Responsible Drinking campaign. Why? Well, one of the things that make Labatt the ideal client, is that they pioneered the tone, manner and message for moderation advertising in Canada. Labatt talks to the youth with honesty and relevance. Its amazing long-running guerilla and poster campaigns by Axmith McIntyre Wicht Ltd have been fresh, honest, funny and more importantly, impactful. In short, Labatt speaks your language and cares about your drinking habits.