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Fi Kilroe

Fi Kilroe

Head of Production

Basic Info

Fondata nel: 2003

Premi: 27

Creazioni: 49

Fondata nel: 2003

Premi: 27

Creazioni: 49

Finish TV

140 Wardour Street
London W1F 8ZT
Regno Unito
Telefono: +44 (0)20 7734 9110
Sito Web:
Fi Kilroe

Fi Kilroe

Head of Production

Creating 3D mist-ery for Macmillan

The Finish team have set the scene for Macmillan’s latest TVC ‘Mist’ . The post work was an essential factor in creating the misty weather conditions in the isolated environment devised by VCCP to reflect the feelings of Cancer sufferers. We’ve sat down with Harin Hirani and Jason Watts so that they could give us an insight into how they created the environment which makes this ad so effective.

Jason Watts , Lead Flame Artist on the project tells us, ‘The mist was to be a vital character, creating a feeling of disorientation. It was crucial this was to be absolutely realistic. Obviously shooting freely, without keying screens, consideration had to be given to how we were to integrate the mist seamlessly, as well as to camera tracking the shots.’

‘The most challenging aspect was interpreting the director’s brief and the agency’s and producing an end result that everyone was happy with. The amount of mist, its personality, how quickly it moved is totally subjective.’

Despite the subjective nature of the mist, there were a huge deal of factors that had to be taken into consideration when modelling. Harin Hirani , Lead 3D Artist explains,
‘To create the mist, special attention was needed in replicating the landscape environment. This involved modelling mountains, rocks and uneven grounds. Only then could we really create a sense of depth and space within the mist and integrate it convincingly.’

‘One of the challenges of the project was trying to balance the density of the mist for each shot. Too much and you quickly lost all the detail and form of the environment, too little and you lose the sense of surreal and unease we were going for.’

Jason finishes with, ‘It’s always great being creatively involved on projects. This was one such job where our input was really appreciated. There was collaboration from all parties, from the client, agency, director, editor and post, each happy to adapt their thinking to make the best possible result.
And really, I think the result speaks for itself, it was thoroughly enjoyable and I’m proud to have been part of it.

‘Mist’ is the second ad of the two-part campaign ‘You are not alone’ (beginning with ‘Blizzard’ released in Jan 2015) created by VCCP and Smuggler and directed by Jaron Albertin .