TitoloCold Case (Dutch)
Campagna Cold Case
Cliente The Dutch National Police
Marca The Dutch National Police

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Be inspired by the best creative work from around the world.

PostedOttobre 2022
SettoreSolo abbonati
Tipo di Media Interattivo
Casa di Produzione
Director & Script J...n K...er Solo abbonati
Casa di Produzione H..Y F...S Am.....am Solo abbonati
VFX Supervisor ..l Bu.....an Solo abbonati
Colorist ..y B...te Solo abbonati
Online VFX J...en B...s Solo abbonati
Artificial Intelligence & Synthetic Media Re....Ai Solo abbonati
Deepfake Artist ..b .e J..g Solo abbonati
Music & Sound Amp.......dam Solo abbonati
Music & Sound ..e S...c Br....ng C....ny Solo abbonati

About Ambassadors

An international, creativity-driven, production outfit, founded by artists, with a reputation for nurturing the best talent in the industry and an innovative approach to creating work that gets people talking and puts brands on the map. 
A team of over eighty artists, creatives, composers, directors, designers and producers crafting the finest creative content in advertising, film and art. 

Latest News

The Ambassadors Founder Halbo discusses at Creative Social

What can the world of creativity learn from the post-production lessons from ‪#‎Interstellar‬?
The Ambassadors Founder Halbo discusses at Creative Social: http://creativesocialblog.com/news/four-post-production-lessons-we-can-learn-from-interstellar

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