Visit Jordan - "#ExperienceJordAIn 3" by PHNX Awards 2023

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Titolo#ExperienceJordAIn 3
Campagna #ExperienceJordAIn
Cliente Jordan Tourism Board
Marca Visit Jordan
Data di Prima Diffusione/Publicazione 2023 / 2
Settore Turismo
Filosofia Solution: Appealing to the digital fluent traveler, we spoke a language they were fluent in, and jumped on a trend only they understood. By utilizing AI’s Midjourney we created an AI driven campaign, utilizing the programs most prominent feature: ‘/imagine’ to drive home a point. Execution: On the search window of the interface there is an '/imagine' tool – an invitation to describe a dream destination through different prompts. That ‘imagine’ invitation soon evolved into an invitation to '/experience', as AI brings to life locations from Jordan without mentioning, the country, place or monument and the message ‘why /imagine, when you can experience’
Problema Regional oil-rich nations fought for their space in the ‘future’ narrative so we needed to do something to gain traction with the ‘future-focused’ traveler
Tipo di Media Stampa e stampati
Strategy Director
Creative Director