CRY - "Working Child" by PHNX Awards 2020

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TitoloWorking Child
Campagna Working Child
Marca CRY
Data di Prima Diffusione/Publicazione 2019 / 6
Prodotto Public Service
Trama In India, about 33 million children between the ages of 5 and 18 years are subject to child labour. Through the visual, we metaphorically show how children shut themselves in, when they are put to labour and not into schools. We show this via 3 visuals - that of a child mason finishing up her brick box, a child carpenter finishing up his wooden box and a child welder finishing up his metal box. Child labour ends childhood.
Advertising Agency Ogilvy India
Creative Director Srreram Athray
Creative Director Elizabeth Dias
Photographer Shreyas Surve
Chief Creative Officer Kainaz Karmakar
Chief Creative Officer Harshad Rajadhyaksha
Chief Creative Officer Sukesh Nayak
Copywriter Srreram Athray
Copywriter Siddharth Kumar
Art Director Elizabeth Dias
Art Director Kunal Khade