Contact Information

Hasengartstrasse 14
Wiesbaden 65189
Telefono: 0611 977 93 22
Sito Web:

Ivonne Wölfer

Telefono: 0611 977 93 20

Basic Info

Deutscher Direktmarketing Verband

Hasengartstrasse 14
Wiesbaden 65189
Telefono: 0611 977 93 22
Sito Web:

Ivonne Wölfer

Telefono: 0611 977 93 20

About Deutscher Direktmarketing Verband

This award is also known by an acronym: "ddp". It rewards directmarketing campaigns in 8 categories: Non-profit, social and culturel organizations; Financial services; Services; Media; Communication and information technology; Manufacturing and industry; Consumer goods; Trade. The creative works are judged on effectivness, strategy, originality and creativity. For the first time in 2004, the award is opened also to the austrian and swiss agencies