Contact Information

200 Varick Street, 11th Floor
New York NY 10014
Stati Uniti
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Elaine Purcell

Elaine Purcell

Chief Growth Officer, DDB NAM

Basic Info

Competenze Principali: Advertising/Full Service/Integrata, Digital, Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing, E-Commerce, Servizi di Marketing, Direct/Tele/Database Marketing/CRM, Marketing Technologies / Analytics, Branding / Product Development, Design, Strategy and Planning, Healthcare, Finanza, Distribuzione, Entertainment, Consumer, Multicultural

Fondata nel: 1949

Holding: Omnicom Group (New York, Stati Uniti)

impiegati: 11000

Premi: 7

Creazioni: 570

Competenze Principali: Advertising/Full Service/Integrata, Digital, Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing, E-Commerce, Servizi di Marketing, Direct/Tele/Database Marketing/CRM, Marketing Technologies / Analytics, Branding / Product Development, Design, Strategy and Planning, Healthcare, Finanza, Distribuzione, Entertainment, Consumer, Multicultural

Fondata nel: 1949

Holding: Omnicom Group (New York, Stati Uniti)

impiegati: 11000

Premi: 7

Creazioni: 570

DDB Worldwide

200 Varick Street, 11th Floor
New York NY 10014
Stati Uniti
Sito Web:
Elaine Purcell

Elaine Purcell

Chief Growth Officer, DDB NAM

An Organic Shift: Marianna Eboli, DDB

DDB Worldwide
Advertising/Full Service/Integrata
New York, Stati Uniti
See Profile

Marianna Eboli
Global Social Media Manager DDB

As digitally-native experiences are becoming a bigger part of our collective reality, new media technologies create opportunities for meaningful engagement between brands and their audience. We chatted with Marianna Eboli, DDB's Global Social Media Manager, on new media and the shift in the way consumers spend time on social media.

The rise of social media platforms has made them key to brand recognition. In what ways does your agency utilize social media to inform/engage your audience and how do you see that evolving?

We want to be everywhere. We are on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and last year, we joined TikTok! Our content showcases the humanity of DDB. Our main objective is to showcase our work, but it is brilliant and unexpected because of the people who make it. Our social platforms focus on what makes DDB unique, our people. Their wins are our wins. We have an interconnected global network of talented and nice people. We want to show how it comes together to create work no one saw coming. We will grow and adapt as technology does, but the core of our content will always stem from our values.


How has the pandemic affected the way consumers use social media and which platform is the most relevant to your agency?

The pandemic showed us that we had to be apart for a while to someday be together safely. This meant more time on social media to feel connected to our loved ones, and at the same time, more time to evaluate who we follow on those platforms. There was a shift that I view as a positive in how we see reality. Consumers don't want edited pictures of influencers in Cabo when everyone they know and love has been in lockdown for months. As a result, people flowed to the platforms where content felt authentic and realistic.

To stay authentic, we share our content where our audiences organically gather. We love to use LinkedIn to showcase people and wins, Instagram to highlight the culture and our work, and TikTok to share the realities of working from home.


To what degree does the innovative use of media by agencies and companies shape the way new media evolves? (eg, interactive campaigns)

They walk hand in hand. The daring and unexpected ideas are the inspiration for new media to evolve. Once we have those new platforms, we go back to the drawing board and push the limits of ideas once again. A great example of this is Miller Lite's 2022 Big Game campaign. DDB Chicago and DDB San Francisco came together to create a unique experience for fans to meet for a drink in the Metaverse, live on 2/13 for the Big Game.


How do you utilize data analytics to create more engaging campaigns?

Understanding our audience's behaviors and who they are is critical for an experience that is not only seamless but gets consumers to become brand advocates. Data has helped us understand that although consumers spend more time on social media, they are posting less. They want to see their likes and needs met by the brand voice.


What contemporary forms of new media are you planning on using to reach audiences?

I'm excited to explore mixed realities. We want to connect with audiences across the globe wherever they are. Thanks to the Webb Telescope, we might even be connecting with new audiences across the galaxy soon. The opportunities are endless, and we will take them all!



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