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Laura Vipond

Laura Vipond

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Premi: 440

Creazioni: 44

Clienti: 29


Premi: 440

Creazioni: 44

Clienti: 29

Ogilvy UK

Sea Containers,18 Upper Ground
London SE1 9RQ
Regno Unito
Telefono: 020 3193 3000
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Laura Vipond

Laura Vipond

Ogilvy Wins Grand Prix and Gold Lion for Dove’s #TurnYourBack

On day three of the 2023 Cannes Lions International Festival for Creativity, Ogilvy brought home its first Grand Prix and three Gold Lions, in addition to two Silver and seven Bronze for a total of 13 Lions. So far, the global network has earned 43 Lions through this year’s Festival.

Ogilvy’s work with Dove garnered three of the four network accolades. "#TurnYourBack," developed by Ogilvy UK and DAVID Madrid, earned a Media Grand Prix in Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility as well as a Gold in Media - Consumer Goods. #TurnYourBack was created in response to the Bold Glamour filter on social media, with an influencer-led effort to address the psychological impact on girls' and women’s confidence that invited women everywhere to fight the filter by not giving their faces.

Rahul Titus, Global Head of Influence at Ogilvy, said: “Influencers create culture, and as an influencer industry we have a duty of care to the millions of people that tune into the content we put out. #TurnYourBack is a perfect example of how we can be part of the solution.”

Dove’s "Cost of Beauty" also added a Gold in the Social & Influence category. The collaboration between Ogilvy UK and Ogilvy Toronto showcased the startling reality that 70% of kids are exposed to toxic beauty content on social media, and 3 of 5 kids’ mental health is being impacted by what they see on social media. The film from the Dove Self-Esteem Project follows the first-hand experience of one young woman as it explores the consequences of harmful beauty content.

Daniel Fisher, Global Executive Creative Director, said: "The constant exposure to toxic beauty content online is having a heart-breaking impact on the mental and physical well-being of kids and teens. We are deeply indebted to Mary and the other voices in the film for allowing us to tell their stories because it’s critical that we come together as a society to create a safer, healthier online environment for younger generations. As the father of two young girls myself, I hope that it will help spark the actions our society needs to be taking. I am very proud of this campaign.”

The third Gold Lion recognized the agency’s work with Workday, coming in the Creative B2B category for "Rock Star." In the one-minute film, real-life music icons aren’t sure how they feel about the title "rock star" being tossed around the office as Workday’s enterprise management platform makes it easier and more efficient than ever for HR, finance, and IT professionals to get everything done that they need to. The humorous campaign, created as a collaboration between Ogilvy California and Ogilvy Chicago, marked Workday’s first-ever Super Bowl showing.

Lisa Bright, Chief Creative Officer of Ogilvy California, said: “The number of rock stars involved in the making of this work outside of Ozzy, Joan, Gary, Billy and Paul is far and wide. I love that this work represents us doing our biggest and best work for one of our biggest and best clients.”