TitoloSaved Memories
BriefMany trans people find it too painful to look at their childhood photographs. Childhood pictures can trigger gender dysphoria, a condition where people feel their body does not align with their true gender identity. As a result, old photographs stay packed away. The SAVED MEMORIES PROJECT is a creative community supporting trans people in recovering lost childhood memories with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Childhood photographs are scanned and then transformed with AI to align the images with the person's true gender identity. At the heart of the project is a documentary short film where three inspiring trans influencers tell their stories and unpack their old photos to have these moments reimagined with AI. The call-to-action drives people to saved-memories.org, where they find detailed tutorials by project AI artist Jacque Alomo that show them how to transform their own images or those of a loved one.
Campagna Saved Memories
Cliente Transklar e.V., Trans-Ident e.V. and Rosa Strippe e.V.
Marca Transklar e.V., Trans-Ident e.V. and Rosa Strippe e.V.
Data di Prima Diffusione/Publicazione 2023 / 5
Settore Fondazioni caritatevoli, Volontariato
Trama Many Trans people report that they cannot look at their childhood photos after a successful transition: "Saved Memories" transforms childhoood pictures to reflect the person’s true gender identity using artificial intelligence
Tipo di Media Case Study
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