TitoloSticker 02
Titolo (Lingua Originale)Adesivo 02
Campagna Honest Sticker
Cliente Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre
Marca Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre
PostedDicembre 2014
Settore Ospedali e Cliniche private
Trama “Donating blood makes you a better person”
With this concept, the initiative “Honest Sticker”, created to Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, transformed cars that were parked on prohibited places, such as handicapped, senior citizens and pregnant women spots, in a new kind of media. More than alert the mistake of parking in prohibited places, the proposal is to increase the number of blood donors and promote good attitudes. People can help and spread the idea by printing the stickers: adesivosincero.tumblr.com. 
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