București, Romania
TitoloWeCannes - A.A Advertising Anonymous
PostedNovembre 2016
Trama Campaign name: A.A. Advertising Anonymous
Campaign background
As a dual product market, advertising is gaining leverage from the distribution sector (platforms &targeting), but loosing people’s interest in its’ needfulness. Still, advertising remains the engine of the economy and social reform. The business was never about the content itself, but about the bundle everyone is fighting about today. And in this fight, topics related to advertising cover business models, revenue solutions, software development. This approach creates a hostile environment for the advertising branch in the way that it becomes harder and harder to keep its’ identity and status intact, not to mention it is creating reluctance to progress. That being said we think it’s only fair to “change the conversation” (Don Draper) given the perfect opportunity to rekindle Madison Avenue’s magic and glory as secondary purpose.
The industry is changing so quick it is hard to even keep up, not to mention to do something about it. Without mentioning the earlier threats for publishers, the emergence of Buzzfeed and its new ad format for native advertising and the Canvas Advertising launched by Facebook threaten the quality content’s future so we would better get to work.
The challenge we encountered (and then creatively embraced) was to stand out in the environmentalready oversaturated of discussions by avoiding any variable to the solutions already existingregarding the ad crisis (from technological to communicational means) and rather create a disruption in this ad-blocking trend through awareness and entertainment.
Our approach relies on the fact that even advertising needs… advertising.
The expected outcome: reach, engagement, learning and community.
Campaign summary
Advertising campaign about advertising to (present/future) advertising lovers that aims to change the conversation from “why is advertising annoying” to “why is advertising good”. Only a strong desire among the passionates will change the future of advertising into better, and creativity as a mean is known for revolutionary changes.